2012년 9월 8일 토요일

first mission for Korean club in Wayland!!

hi, guys.
our fist mission is to correct wrong information about Korea and it's due to September 22nd.

'East Sea' is the body of water between Korean peninsula and Japanese archipelago. Historically speaking, the 'East Sea' has been used for a long time in Korea and other countries' maps.

But, in most world maps and atlases used internationally today. "East Sea" is indicated as the "Sea of Japan". According to IHO and UNCSGN, in case of topographical feature shared with two or ore countries, yet naming differently in their own languages, all of the names in each languages should be marked. It is an absolute mistake to hear just one side of the story and to blindly follow. If we leave these kinds of things alone, it causes serious problems that disturb the order of international society.

Using a proper name for the body of water between the Korean peninsula and the Japanese archipelago is not simply a question of changing the name of a geographical feature. It is part of the national effort by the Korean people to erase the legacy of Japanese Imperialism and to redress the unfairness that has resulted from it. Today, many encyclopedias, organizations, textbook publishers and media are adopting 'East Sea' as name of this sea through Korean' activities.

so, "in my humble opinion," I think Japan is trying to make the sea between Korea and Japan as "sea of Japan" on purpose so that it can be seem more reasonable when it claims "Dokdo" is its territory. (Apparently, Dokdo has been Korean territory for a long time and Japan has been trying to take it over. and i guess it's because Japan is sinking down under the sea.) So, even if it(changing name) might be really small thing to you, it is actually being a big world conflict. If this conflict goes on longer, there might be a war between Korea and Japan which might be expanded to world war. and even if there won't be any war, the conflict between Korea and Japan will bring economic hit on the world since Korea and Japan are two of the most economically influential countries in Asia.

So so so guys, let's make it straight!!
Withe the sticker, let's change Sea of Japan to East Sea!!!!
Start from your history book. (to give you a tip, you can find it in cold war section in u.s. history book :D )
and then, let your friends know it and correct it!

thanks and have a great day :)

Example ) 

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